
Assessment Maths – Grade 10

Math| Grade 10


Correct! Wrong!

solve for x by completing the square : x=

Correct! Wrong!

Correct! Wrong!

find the value of this expression: (2-6i)+(2-9i)=

Correct! Wrong!

A , B are random events

Correct! Wrong!

solve for v : v=

Correct! Wrong!

solve for x :

Correct! Wrong!

Determine the modulus of z , where z= -6-5i

Correct! Wrong!

Using Pythagoras Theorem, Find Z

Correct! Wrong!

if a team has won 8 games from a total of 10 games,calculate the relative frequency . Relative frequency =

Correct! Wrong!

Grade 10 Maths
You are a Champion!

There is certainly room for improvement!